Eventhough, we still do

You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way...

People look at reality, then you can change it.

- James Baldwin

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Kids news: Lead visit to Elkarkide's truck gardens in Aranzadi (Pamplona)

Hello guys! How is it going? I have went to a lead visit this morning to Elkarkide's truck gardens in Aranzadi (Pamplona). I have enjoyed it a lot and you didn't have to pay for entering. It has take place from 11:00AM to 11:30AM.
They've told us that its a company that was founded twenty years ago, in 1991.
It's propose is to give work to people with mental problems and to help them to find their place in society with work in group, the relationship with the other workers...
350 people are involved in this project and 150 of them workers.
Most of this people work in the truck gardens planting, cultivating, irrigating... It's a hard work, hard but pretty.
Their products are natural from the head to toes and the products the use for killing the insects from the plants and those things are also natural, they're not chemical, they come from other types of plants.
It's a very interesting and well thought project and they have more truck gardens apart from the one in Aranzadi. The products they get from them they sell them in little stands at the entrance to the truck gardens or they send them to other shops and those...
In the lead visit they have shown us all of it and they've got everything very organized, distributed depending on the different plantations. They have potatoes, tomatoes, chards, beans... Lots of things.
Also the use the wastes they produce as bad potatoes, roots and those for making natural fertilizer.
In short, is a project with future and very interesting and original.
I leave you the oficial page of Elkarkide:
Also I leave you some photographs I took, 'hope you enjoy them!

That´s all folks! (As the Warner Looney Tunes Chapters, see?)


4 comentarios:

  1. Mi niña...... da gusto ver tus blos, porque pones unos motivos,que te motivan a evocar....... !que bonito¡ de donde sacas esas fotos? en las mias me gustaría salir así de guapa y con esos colores tan naturales........ guapos ,guapos.
    ADIOOOS ,me voy de compra y antes tomaré una aspirina para mis dolores" besos paz.

  2. Gracias Paz. Las fotos las hago yo, algunas veces mi padre. Algunas salen bien y otras no tanto pero que le vamos a hacer.
    ¡Qué te haga efecto la aspirina!

  3. La aspirina me hizo efecto en su dia , hoy he tenido que tomarme otra porque mi cabeza..........sigue tonta. no me importa mientras hay aspirinas, si nos conocieramos me podias hacer alguna foto de las que tu haces tan estupendamente, ¿y si te mando una mia y la corriges? te costará un rato porque soy muy fea, tu, ¿como eres ? ta se que vivimos lejos la una de la otra, porque para ir desde andalucia a cataluña.... pero ,si que me gustaria saber como eres. adios suavecica, paz.

  4. Me alegro de que hiciera la aspirina efecto. Lo de corregir una foto... déjate, que el Internet se la guarda y para cuando la sacas... ¡uff! Estoy segura de que de fea no tienes nada y yo... bueno, unos me dicen que guapa otros no me dicen nada... Yo me veo a días. De todas formas la belleza es subjetiva, a mí me puede parecer un chico muy guapo y a otra chica le puede parecer un esperpento... Todo va por gustos (o casi todo).
    ¿De donde te has sacado que vivo en Cataluña? Soy del Barsa pero... En fin, tu cuéntame porque tienes idea de que soy catalana... :)
    ¡Un saludo, Paz!
