Eventhough, we still do

You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way...

People look at reality, then you can change it.

- James Baldwin

miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

Kids' news: Happy 2014 ending

Lads :)

2014 is ending, and we do the same by its side, but just for a thousandth of a second, for we'll be back again to greet 2015 and live the life it brings. Solve the problems it'll carry, laugh at jokes, sing songs. And, obviously, write.

I hope you enjoy reading -briefly- pieces of my own life, and that we keep on growing together, for we've been doing that for quite some years already.

Happy new year!


Noticias para niños: Feliz fin de año 2014

Chiquill@s :)

El 2014 se termina y nosotros nos vamos con él, pero volvemos en una milésima de segundo para el 2015, que viene cargado de vida. De experiencias por vivir y de problemas que resolver, risas que reír y canciones que cantar. Y, obviamente, mucho que escribir.

Espero que disfrutéis leyendo fugazmente retazos de mi vida. A ver si seguimos creciendo juntos, que llevamos ya unos cuantos años.

¡Feliz año nuevo!


English books: "THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS BOOK 6, City of Heavenly Fire"

Nooooooooooooooooooooo! :( Last book of "The Mortal Instruments" saga. And now I'm crying again.

Cassandra Clare has put an end to this amazing 6-book collection.
And I'm slightly sad about it. But... The ending was amazing!

Clary, Jace and the others are thrust against the final battle with Sebastian, Clary's brother. Will the Clave know what's best for the Shadowhunters? Will the vampires, werewolves, fairies... choose the right side to battle? Will Sebastian finally put an end to the peace on Earth and reign with his loyal demons?
Will Simon love Isabelle, Alec love Magnus, Clary love Jace?
Will Sebastian... love Clary?

I SO loved it. #FavouriteBook !

Title: The Mortal Instruments Saga Book 6, City of Heavenly Fire

Author: Cassandra Clare
Cover design: WALKER BOOKS
Collection design: WALKER BOOKS
Parts of the book: 1 (but there are five books before this one)
Pages of the book: 624


English books: The Fault in Our Stars

Okay? Okay ;)

Nice beginning, you'll get it as soon as you read the book.
You know, I'd heard MAGIC praises for "The Fault in our Stars". I gave one myself after finishing it, but not for the plot itself -which is actually nice and heartbreaking at the same time- but for a character in particular. I'm not gonna say much, apart from that it's a cancer book. But not that kind of book -I guess-.
Anyway, you have to read it for Augustus Waters, he's one of a kind. What a way of thinking, of working through life. It's worth the sadness, believe me.

Title: The Fault in Our Stars

Printer: The Penguin Group
Author: John Green 
Cover design: The Penguin Group 
Collection design: The Penguin Group
Parts of the book: 1

Pages of the book: 206

(I've never really cried with a book before, maybe because I don't tend to read emotive paperbacks... Anyway, have the tissues at hand)


"Poesía del mes" Diciembre del 2014

-Happy New Year-

Mira, no pido mucho,
solamente tu mano, tenerla
como un sapito que duerme así contento.
Necesito esa puerta que me dabas
para entrar a tu mundo, ese trocito
de azúcar verde, de redondo alegre.
¿No me prestás tu mano en esta noche
de fìn de año de lechuzas roncas?
No puedes, por razones técnicas.
Entonces la tramo en el aire, urdiendo cada dedo,
el durazno sedoso de la palma
y el dorso, ese país de azules árboles.
Así la tomo y la sostengo,
como si de ello dependiera
muchísimo del mundo,
la sucesión de las cuatro estaciones,
el canto de los gallos, el amor de los hombres.

Os dejo una de Julio Cortázar. Feliz año nuevo...


English books: "The Lonely Hearts Club"

... and a happy New Year!

:) Hope you guys are having an amazing time!
Here's a hint on the book we're gonna be talking about: "Kiss me underneath the mistletoe..."
 "The Lonely Hearts Club", by Elizabeth Eulberg, is said to have healed way too many broken hearts already ;)
A friend of mine gifted it to me, she told me it was her favourite book.
To tell you the truth, I'm not really into "romantic" paperbacks. I didn't really get her enthusiasm during the first chapters. But then I got to the second half of the book and I really was enthralled by dearest Ryan. (0.o That's a guy, guys)
Penny Lane, daughter of Beatles' fanatics and also kinda a fanatic herself.
She has had her heart broken throughout summer. So she goes to school and creates this "Lonely Hearts Club" with her friends: "We won't date ANY guys during what's left of our high school experience!"
That, of course, will be practically impossible. But anyway, I'm not saying anymore because I'll be revealing what's left of the plot ;)
It's quite a simple book, but like life itself. Lots of drama, easy remedies.

Title: The Lonely Hearts Club
Printer: Point Author: Elizabeth Eulberg
Cover design: Elizabeth B, Parisi, Michael Frost and Becky Terhune
Collection design: Point
Parts of the book: 1 (but the next book comes out next month)
Pages of the book: 285



martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014

"Poesía del mes" Noviembre del 2014


—¿Qué es poesía?, dices, mientras clavas
en mi pupila tu pupila azul,
¡Qué es poesía! ¿Y tú me lo preguntas?
Poesía... eres tú.

Querido Bécquer, hola de nuevo...


Informativos de mi blog CXLIV

¡Chiquit@s! :)
¡Feliz navidad!

Lejos queda la última vez que escribí, así que cerramos la semana. Publiqué la poesía de octubre, de Benedetti. "No te salves"... Hay gente que la entiende desde el egoísmo, "si no eres lo suficientemente bueno no te quiero". Pero yo la vi desde otra perspectiva, desde la de que si no te quieres a ti mismo tanto como deberías, si te abandonas a ti mismo... Si no te esfuerzas, y todo el trabajo lo tengo que hacer yo... Entonces, no te quiero.
¡Espero que os gustara!
Después os publiqué la reseña del segundo de "Divergent", "Insurgent".
Tris, cada vez, se ve envuelta en más enredos.

¡A disfrutar del fin de año!
