Eventhough, we still do

You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way...

People look at reality, then you can change it.

- James Baldwin

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

Kids news: POTTERMORE´S Magic Plume competition is finished

Hello! I´m sorry for not publishing today´s POTTERMORE seventh and last clue timetable but the thing is that I have got up at eleven o´clock in the morning and it has take place between 1:30AM and 4AM so...
Today the competition is closed. I´m sorry for the ones that could not gain their earlier access to POTTERMORE and... congratulations to those of you that have got an account already!
The ones of you that haven´t don´t worry, you will enter to the web page in October.



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