Eventhough, we still do

You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way...

People look at reality, then you can change it.

- James Baldwin

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

"Poesía del Mes" Marzo del 2014

-Oi lur, oi lur-

Oi, lur, oi, lur
oi, ene lur nerea...
oi, goiz eme,
parre gozoz ernea.

Arto musker,
mendi, baserri zaarrak;
ale gorriz
abailduta sagarrak
oro laño
mee batek estalia,
urrez oro
eguzkiak yantzia...

gizandi bat iduri
soroan zut:
beyondeizula zuri...

Zure bazter gurazko aberria,
doa zoro
ta (bertain ni) bultzia...

Oi, ene lur,
ba ninduzu zerea;
zu landu, ta
zure sariz asea...

Bañan--- ezin: beeko bear goriak
narama... agur,
soro, sargar, mendiak...

"Oi lur, oi lur". Y aquí llega la poesía vasca de Benito Lertxundi...


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