Eventhough, we still do

You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way...

People look at reality, then you can change it.

- James Baldwin

martes, 31 de julio de 2012

Noticias para niños: Bienvenidos a los Juegos Olímpicos. Bienvenidos... a LONDRES

¡Chic@s! Wow, increíble. Este viernes pasado disfrutamos de la mejor ceremonia de inauguración de los Juegos Olímpicos, ¡de la que daba comienzo a estos fantásticos juegos en Londres!
Vale, lo reconozco. Soy una fanática de este país y de esta ciudad pero fueron preciosos, si los visteis no me lo podéis negar.
Escribo esta entrada para informaros y también porque hubo una parte de la ceremonia que me viene como anillo al dedo, pero luego hablaremos de eso.
Esta ceremonia se centró entera alrededor de la campiña inglesa, en la que actores contaban como en una especie de teatro gigante, toda la evolución de Londres a lo largo de los años. Del campo a la ciudad, la evolución dentro de la ciudad. La evolución de esta impresionante capital.
El caso es que resaltaron los factores más emblemáticos de la cultura inglesa, desde la música (con los Beatles y demás) con la actuación de Paul McCartney, el último de ellos, al final; la sociedad (con películas sobre ella como "Billy Elliot" y un acto llevado a cabo por adolescentes), su literatura (con genios desde J.K. Rowling hasta muchos otros), sus innovaciones (con el creador de Internet "las tres w" "The World Wide Web" llamado Tim Berners-Lee. Gracias a él estamos aquí juntos a lo largo de todo el mundo(: )... Muchísimas cosas, imposibles de nombrar todas.
Participación de personas importantes: actores, la reina misma, David Beckham (el futbolista)... Un acto emblemático, sin duda.
Yo la disfrute muchísimo y ya el pebetero culminó la obra maestra. Sin duda muy original y precioso, al encenderlo relucía en todo su esplendor.
Os dejo unas fotos del estadio y del pebetero y un vídeo, que es lo que me viene como anillo al dedo.
La parte de homenaje a la literatura infantil inglesa sin duda fue importante, pues cuentan con muchos de los mejores escritores de todo el mundo. Os dejo esta parte del acto, espero que os guste. Y la publico porque para mí, dentro de mi "trabajo" fue muy significativo. :)
Dejo el enlace con la ceremonia completa, siento no poder encontrar el vídeo con la parte concreta. Os lo dejo y os digo que la parte de la literatura está en la raya 12 por donde se ve como avanza el vídeo. Lo siento :T

Todo fue, simplemente... Mágico.
Me encantó, espero que a vosotros también.
Y como mi propio homenaje a los Juegos Olímpicos... En vez de hacer la entrada entera de un color la hago con los colores de los aros que los caracterizan. :) Como están unidos no separo los colores por párrafos, sino que los uno en el mismo párrafo con el anterior.
¡Un saludo y disfrutad de los Juegos Olímpicos!


English books: Death in the Air

Hey guys! Here again, waiting to tell you about this astonishing and thrilling book on Sherlock Holmes: his second case!!
I don't know whether  you remember or not but some months ago, (maybe one or two?) I wrote you about "The Boy Sherlock Holmes, His first case" "The Eye of the Crow".
Remember? It was a thrilling experience to read it, just as this one. I even couldn't sleep at night, thinking about all the murderers and burglars he was looking for.
In his first case he discovered the Whitechapel murderer and the police in London got all the merit. In this one, "Death in the Air", the same will happen, but with another case.
While Sherlock is in the Crystal Palace in London enjoying an acrobat performance a crime is taking place. Nobody knows about it but one person is about to discover. He is Monsier Mercure, the trapeze star. While he is acting he has full view of what the burglars are doing in another room next to the one for acts.
The gang taking out the robbery knows it so they're going to try and kill Monsier Mercure.
Sherlock is lucky enough for Monsier Mercure to fall right in front of him, so he can give him the first clue on this new case. Will Sherlock get to what happened? Will he gain the merit this time? Difficult, but just talking ;)
I leave you the image of the book, although it's not the edition I have but the same information on the book and the same picture. In my book there's no title, a fact the one I really do miss :(. So if you're about to buy it now you know how it looks like with everything on it's right place ;).

I'm sorry to tell you part of what Sherlock discovers along the book but I couldn't manage to do it another way, sorry! -.- :)
Again, (evil me) I leave you its information:

Title: Death in the Air
Printer: Tundra Books
Author: Shane Peacock
Cover design: Jennifer Lum
Collection design: Tundra Books
Parts of the book: 2 (but there are independent books but connected at the same time that follow it)
Pages of the story: 254

Enjoy, it's astonishing, really. I LOVED it, although I found it hard to sleep after reading its pages, I thought to see maniacs in each corner :)


Informativos de mi blog XCVII

¡Chic@s! Tarde otra vez -.-
La semana pasada solamente os publiqué una entrada sobre el primer libro de la saga de "Harry Potter" en inglés. Sé que ya tienen mili pero el caso es que yo ahora me los leo en inglés. :) Un poquito tarde en su historia pero es cuando llego yo, así que lo hago renacer de unas cenizas que todavía no están del todo quemadas. :)
Que me pongo poética :). En fin, espero que lo disfrutarais como siempre, es una leyenda increíble que pasará de generación en generación.

¡Un saludo grande!


martes, 24 de julio de 2012

English books: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Hello over there! How is it going? Myself? Oh, thank you for asking. ;) I'm reading, as ever. Enjoying the summer. :) Well, let's get to it.
Yesterday I finished the first book of "Harry Potter", you know, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". As I think you have deduced, I'm a huge fan of Harry's and I've read the books loads of times. In Spanish more than seven times each and now I've bought the whole collection on English. You know, it's quite funny but without knowing I got the first edition from the original printer in each of them. In some years they'll be quite expensive... But I won't buy them, I won't even think about it. :)
Well, as you know Harry is a wizard and in this first book he discovers about it. He lives at Privet Drive in England with his aunt and uncle but one day Hagrid, a huge man, appears and tells him he's about to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Amazed, Harry starts his adventure to Hogwarts buying everything he needs at Diagon Alley, from a cauldron to a wand. Then he gets to Hogwarts through King Cross station in London, we're he will meet his best friend Ronald Weasley in the Hogwarts Express. But what Harry finds out is the truth about his parents. A dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, killed them and aim to kill him too but... He couldn't. Now he seems to be wanting to regain his power. Will he manage to do it?
I'm sure you know the story but I'm still not telling you about it. ;) Evil me!! :)

I leave you it's information:

Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Printer: Bloomsbury
Author: J.K. Rowling
Cover design: Thomas Taylor
Collection design: Bloomsbury
Parts of the book: 1 (but there are another six books)

I hope you enjoy it and re-read it if you already have. It's astonishing, by my point of view... I just can't help feeling excitement every time I read its pages. It's like a new world for me each of those times, even dough -as I said before- I have read it loads of times.

Become a wizard with Harry in his first year at Hogwarts!



lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

Informativos de mi blog XCVI

¡Chic@s! Poco que decir, la semana pasada (o más bien ayer) os publiqué una única entrada con la Imagen del Mes de Julio del 2012. Espero que os gustara y la podáis usar. Sinceramente es bonita, interesante.
Poco más, luego os escribiré sobre un libro y una película. Ya. :)

¡Un beso!

domingo, 22 de julio de 2012

"La Imagen del Mes" Julio del 2012

¡Chic@s! Os la dejo, bastante tarde, pero que le vamos a hacer. ;)

Eso es todo, ¡un beso grande!


viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

Informativos de mi blog XCV

¡Hola de nuevo!
Ya lo siento, semana sabática. :)
En fin, os traigo los informativos del blog, -muy tarde- pero por lo menos ya están aquí.
La semana pasada publiqué la entrada de San Fermín en inglés, pues únicamente la había escrito en español en "Noticias para niños". Espero que os sirviera para "ambientaros" un poco más en nuestra fiesta. :)
Después os publiqué un vídeo precioso con la carta de un señor llamado George Carlin, una carta a la humanidad. Es preciosa y a mi me hizo pensar así que espero que os pasara lo mismo. Se lo agradezco a mi abuela, que es la que me la mandó. (En la de inglés la publiqué traducida debajo, pues no puede encontrar el vídeo en dicha lengua).
Las publiqué en "Algunas cositas más..." o "Some more little matters..."
Cerrando la semana os publiqué la entrada de "English books", sobre "Beneath the Pyramid". Un thrill increíble que os llevará por la trama más interesante del Antiguo Egipto en la que el Juez Pazair tratará de descubrir un crimen, un complot para hacer que Egipto vaya, en un modo, a una quiebra en la sociedad. Espero que lo leáis y que os gusté tanto como a mí. Además cuenta con otros dos tomos así qué... ¡Oiréis de él muy pronto!

Eso es todo, ¡un beso grande y seguid disfrutando del verano!


viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

English books: "Beneath the Pyramid"

Hey, guys! Yesterday I finished a book named "Beneath the Pyramid", from "The Judge of Egypt Trilogy". Amazing! I can't actually believe I enjoyed myself so much while reading it. Actually, I've been quite obsessed with "The Hunger Games", I've already read them twice each one so in... Two months time? I was relieved to have my attention centered in something else (really, I was starting to have dreams with myself being a tribute. It was quite scary). :S
Lets see, I'm writing about it!
"Beneath the Pyramid" is a thrilling novel based on Ancient Egypt, a brilliant civilization the one evolved a lot in religion, culture and innovations.
Well, I'm telling you about the book, not about my knowledge on the Egyptians so... Lets get on it. ;)
In this book young Pazair is a judge who lives in Egypt, in an small town.
He's so intelligent and loves justice, one of the greatest judges you can find, especially taking in count how young he is.
One day, he is called to Memphis to investigate, as the back of the paperback says: "to investigate the mysterious deaths of five guards standing watch over the sphinx at Giza".
He travels there and solves lots of minor problems and, while it, he starts inquiring about this strange case.
His mentor, old Branir, helps him with his advices and presents him beautiful Neferet, a young woman doctor with the one Pazair falls in love immediately. What would you say? Will he discover the crime or get caught while trying? Will Neferet accept him? Will he even admit his love towards her?
Find out by reading the book! (I'm starting to think you might think me cruel because of not telling you anything about how every single book I read ends but, that's the deal! I recommend a book the one I've read and you find out by yourselves if it's worth it for you or not. :)

I leave you its data, maybe you want to look up for it :) :

Title: Beneath the Pyramid
Printer: W F HOWES LTD
Author: Christian Jacq
Cover design: W F HOWES LTD
Collection design: W F HOWES LTD
Parts of the book: 1 (but there are two books left)

And that's all! May the pyramids... I don't know what to say, I was thinking about "May the odds be ever in your favor" from "The Hunger Games" again. :S I'm banning myself from reading them, this is getting quite... WORRYING.

Hey, I really recommend this book to you, it's astonishing. I encourage you to read it, you won't be disappointed.

I hope to see you soon! (Although I will probably won't hear from you in my whole lifetime... That's distressing, men!) -.-

Well, lots of love!


jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

Some more little matters...: Lovely, "A Letter from George Carlin" ("Una Carta de George Carlin")

Guys! My grandma has sent me this email and it's lovely. It's made me think and in my opinion it's real so I post it, lets see how you see it. :) It's "A Letter from George Carlin" ("Una Carta de George Carlin"). I can't upload it from the email but I leave you the same video from YouTube.

It reads:

The paradox of our time in history is that
we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways but narrower viewpoints.
We spend more, but have less. We buy more, but enjoy it less.
We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time;
We have more degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment;
more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little,
drive too fast, get too angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired,
read too seldom, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.
We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.
We’'ve learned how to make a living, but not a life.
We’'ve added years to life, not life to years.
We’'ve been all the way to the moon and back,
but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.

We’'ve conquered outer space, but not inner space.
We’'ve done larger things, but not better things.
We’'ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul.
We’'ve split the atom, but not our prejudice.
We’'ve learned to rush, but not to wait.
We plan more, but accomplish less.
We write more, but learn less.
We build more computers
to hold more information
to produce more copies than ever,
but have less communication.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion;
tall men, and short character; steep profits, and shallow relationships.
These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare;
more leisure, but less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition.
These are days of two incomes, but more divorce;
of fancier houses, but broken homes.
These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throw-away morality,
one-night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do
everything from cheer to quiet, to kill.
It is a time when there is much in the show window
and nothing in the stockroom;
a time when technology can bring this letter to you,
and a time when you can choose either to share this insight,
or to just hit delete.

Remember to spend some time with your loved ones,
because they won't be there forever.
Remember to be nice to whoever admires you now,
because that person will grow soon,
and will get away from you.
Remember to hug whoever you've got near,
because that's the only treasure you can give
with the heart, without costing you a cent.
Remember to tell your couple "I love you"
and to your loved ones,
but overcoat say it sincerely.

A kiss and a hug can repair an injury
when they are given with the whole soul.
Give yourself time to love and talk,
and share your most valuable ideas.

And always remember:
Live is not measured by the number of times
we take breath, but for the extraordinarie
moments that take them away from us.

George Carlin
I copied it from the Internet but it's well translated, except for the part in gray that's the one that I translated myself :)

Pretty, no?
That's all, lots of love!


Algunas cositas más...: Precioso, "Una Carta de George Carlin"

¡Chic@s! Mi abuela me ha mandado este correo y es precioso. Me ha hecho pensar y opino que tiene mucha razón así que os lo dejo, haber qué tal lo veis. :) Es "Una Carta de George Carlin". No lo puedo subir desde el correo pero os pongo el mismo vídeo desde YouTube.

Bonito, ¿no?
Eso es todo, ¡un beso!


Kids news: San Fermín 2012

Guys! At last! I bring you the post in English the one I wrote in Spanish the fifth of July, one day before San Fermín, for the worldwide wanted festivity among teenagers and young people to start.
Pamplona is prepared: the fences are placed, the shop glasses covered with timbers, public toilets, bars...
6th of July: "CHUPINAZO".  These days I had escaped the city the one turns out to be... I'm better not saying it but really, we, Pamplona's inhabitants, tend to travel these days. It's not quite pleasant to see how your streets get fed up with crushed bottles, alcohol and more things... :T There are also good things but this festivity has changed a lot, they are known by the chaos and because people come here to do whatever they want to.
Although, if you come here to enjoy your free time without bothering us... Here you count with some guidelines! There are 431 acts prepared but I'm telling you the most emblematic ones. We begin.

*The fifth of July you could enjoy disc jockey Carlos Jean's free concert to start creating party since the first moment. :)

*On the 6th of July Iñaki Cabasés threw the "Chupinazo" at twelve o'clock in midday, beginning the festivity and making the red neckerchiefs rise in all their splendour.

*The 7th the first run of the bulls through the streets took place. There are still two ones left and for you to know, the route is closed before 7:30 in the morning and after it you can't enter, although you can get out if you realize you don't want to run it. It starts at 8 in the morning for about three minutes in the ones the bulls go running from Santo Domingo's slope to the Bulls Ring.
ROUTE:  Santo Domingo, Plaza Consistorial, Mercaderes, Estafeta and Plaza de Toros.
NUMBER OF BULLS+added: 6 bulls, 8 leading oxes preceding the fierce and 3 docile closing the group.
If you're going to run I have to pass the advice that it's dangerous if you don't know how to do it and if you don't realize your opportunities and resistance during the race. I also advice you to enter the route before 7:30 and if you're drunk THEY WON'T LET YOU RUN. From 7:30 onwards you can't enter but you can get out.

*The Bull Fighting is also interesting to watch. You've gotta buy tickets for it as for watching how the bulls get to the Bulls Ring in the morning.
I link you the page for it and if not you can always buy them at the Bulls Ring, although I can't assure you they won't be sold by the time you get there.

*The giants are and emblematic act in Sanfermines, especially if you count with kids to live with the festivity. They get out each day at nine o'clock in the morning from the Great Hall's Square.

*Also, if you're young, the concerts will interest you as the one from Carlos Jean I named before. For example, MACACO went to the "Fueros Square" on the sixth of July and there are more coming, there and to the "Castillo Square". Hope you enjoy them. I would have liked to go to MACACO but I was on vacation... :(

*The fireworks each day on the Ciudadela at 11:00 in the evening, you can't miss them!

*OBVIUSLY, "El Pobre de Mí" ("Poor of Me").  It will take place the 14th of July at 12 in the evening in the Great Hall Square, followed by the final "traca" ("firecracker").*

There are many more events but this ones are the most... "wanted ones". As you come to have a walk through the city, although you won't be able to appreciate it with this being... :T Well, I link you the festivity program as there are loads of events, every day is full!

I also leave you this year's poster on San Fermín by David Alegría: "I WANT YOU FOR SAN FERMÍN 2012". Quite funny, no? :) If you don't understand it watch it closely and start to think a little, you will laugh. :)

A very original and pretty initiative is being selling for one euro bracelets in markets and shops, the ones designate the money for preventing sudden death and fighting it with special machines. Want to take part in it? Buy one in whatever place you go shopping, it always helps.
They're even pretty, they're designed by KUKUXUMUSU.

I also write down the links to my last year posts on San Fermín, in the ones you'll find interesting details on its history, fences, some events... I hope they serve you right. I only put the ones which are in English, but you can find each of them in Spanish if you want to.

Merely that. You can also look up for older posts to read in the "Blogs Archive", I hope you find them interesting once more.

I think that's all... Ah! I link you San Fermín's official webpage,  its official section in "Diario de Navarra" (a newspaper) and the link to the newspaper, that has information on the events:

OFFICIAL WEBPAGE: www.sanfermin.com
DIARIO DE NAVARRA: http://www.diariodenavarra.es/
ESPECIAL SECTION ON SAN FERMÍN IN "DIARIO DE NAVARRA": http://www.diariodenavarra.es/suplementos/san_fermin_2012/home_san_fermin_2012.html

I also leave you the menu of a place named "Mamá nos da de comer" ("Mum feeds us"). It's a local in the Rotxapea near Santo Domingo's slope, in the one they prepare meals and snacks. It may interest you. I leave it here:
The land line number is 948 074 163, in case you can't read it right on the photo. I assure you it's good food and interesting, as the prices are cheap.

I also leave this years festivity program, that as I said, is very varied.
THE LINK IS ALSO TO "DIARIO DE NAVARRA": http://www.diariodenavarra.es/san_fermin/programa_dia_6.html

And that's all, guys. I hope it serves you right and... ENJOY THE FESTIVITY!



Informativos de mi blog XCIV

¡Chic@s! Siento la espera pero estos primeros días de San Fermín he estado fuera de vacaciones en Burgui, un pueblo del valle del Roncal. El caso es que como todos los años... no había Internet. Pero bueno, conseguí la semana pasada escribiros una entrada de "Noticias para niños" antes de irme, aunque me dejé la de inglés ("Kids news"), la cual espero publicar hoy. La hice lo más completa que pude, pues este año no os había hablado todavía de San Fermín pero metí muchísimos enlaces a páginas interesantes con noticias sobre la fiesta, a entradas mías del año pasado en el blog que podíais usar... Un poco de todo. Espero que si sois de fuera y habéis venido a pasar unos días con nosotros os hayan servido.

Y eso es todo, espero que esta semana venga cargada de noticias que tengo mucho sobre lo que escribir.

¡Un beso!


jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

Noticias para niños: San Fermín 2012

¡Chic@s! ¡Por fin! Os traigo la entrada a falta de un día para que empiece la deseada fiesta más o menos a nivel mundial de los jóvenes.
Pamplona está preparada: vallados puestos, los cristales de las tiendas cubiertos con maderos, baños públicos, bares...
Mañana seis de julio, CHUPINAZO. Y yo habré escapado de la ciudad, que por unos días se convierte en una gran... Mejor no lo digo pero en verdad, los habitantes de Pamplona tendemos a irnos. No es muy agradable ver como tus calles se llenan de basura, botellas rotas, cristales, alcohol y demás cosas... :T Hay cosas buenas pero han cambiado mucho estas fiestas, son conocidas por el descontrol y porque la gente viene aquí a hacer lo que quiere.
Sin embargo, si venís a pasarlo bien sin molestar... ¡Aquí tenéis unas pautas! Hay 431 actos pendientes pero yo resalto lo más emblemático.

*Hoy día 5 de julio se podrá disfrutar de un concierto gratuito del famoso pinchadiscos Carlos Jean. Para empezar a crear ambiente desde víspera. :)

*Mañana, día 6 de julio, el Chupinazo será tirado por Iñaki Cabasés a las 12 del mediodía, dando comienzo a las fiestas y haciendo que los pañuelicos rojos se alcen en todo su esplendor.

*El día 7 el primer de los ocho encierros tendrá lugar. A las 7:30 se cerraran las entradas al recorrido y comenzará, con una duración aproximada de tres minutos desde la cuesta de Santo Domingo hasta la Plaza de Toros, a las ocho de la mañana. 
RECORRIDO: Santo Domingo, Plaza Consistorial, Mercaderes, Estafeta y Plaza de Toros.
NÚMERO DE TOROS: 6 toros, 8 cabestros precediendo a los bravos y 3 mansos cerrando el grupo.
Si lo vais a correr no puedo más que advertiros de que es peligroso si no se hace con cuidado y se tienen en cuenta las capacidades de uno mismo. Además deciros que tenéis que entrar al recorrido antes de las siete y media de la mañana y si estáis borrachos no os dejarán correr. A partir de las siete y media de la madrugada ningún corredor entra al recorrido, pero podéis salir de él si os echáis atrás.

*Las corridas de toros también son interesantes para ver. Hay que comprar entradas para ello y también para ver la llegada de los toros a la Plaza de Toros a la mañana.
Os adjunto el link para ello y sino siempre podéis ir a comprarlas a la misma Plaza de Toros, aunque no os aseguro que no estén todas vendidas ya.

*Los gigantes son un acto emblemático de los San Fermines, sobre todo si tenéis niños con los que pasar las fiestas. Salen a las nueve y media desde la Plaza Consistorial todos los días.

*A parte de eso, si sois jóvenes, están los conciertos de la Plaza del Castillo como he nombrado antes el de Carlos Jean. Por ejemplo mañana, día 6 de julio, actuación de MACACO en la Plaza de los Fueros. Yo quería ir pero se ve que no va a poder ser. Me he llevado un chasco, creía que era el diez o el once... -.-

*Los fuegos artificiales en la Ciudadela todos los días a las 11 de la noche, ¡no os los podéis perder!

*Obviamente, el POBRE DE MÍ. Tendrá lugar el 14 de julio a las doce de la noche en la Plaza del Ayuntamiento para despedir los San Fermines 2012, seguido de la traca final.*

Hay muchos más eventos pero esto es lo que más llama la atención. Ya que venís dar una vuelta por la ciudad, aunque no la podréis apreciar con este ambiente... :T En fin, os adjunto el folleto de fiestas con todo el resto de eventos, ¡qué todos los días están llenos!

Además os pongo el cartel de este año con tono muy gracioso, ¿no? :) Por David Alegría: "I WANT YOU FOR SAN FERMÍN 2012". Si no lo habéis visto observarlo, os reiréis un rato :)

Una iniciativa muy original ha sido vender por un euro unas pulseras en los mercados y tiendas. Son para prevenir la muerte súbita y poder comprar aparatos requeridos para combatirla. ¿Queréis participar? Comprar alguna, que siempre ayuda.
Incluso son bonitas, están decoradas por KUKUXUMUSU.

También os pongo los links a las entradas de San Fermín del año pasado, en las que encontrareis información muy variada de la historia, el vallado, algún acontecimiento... Espero que os sirvan.

Mayoritariamente eso. Luego podéis ver también más entradas entrando a los archivos del blog y leyéndolas a vuestro gusto.

Creo que eso es todo... ¡Ah! Os adjunto la página oficial de San Fermín, su sección oficial en el Diario de Navarra y la dirección del Diario, que hoy tiene noticias relacionadas con el tema:

-PÁGINA OFICIAL:www.sanfermin.com
-DIARIO DE NAVARRA, CARÁTULA 5 DE JULIO: http://www.diariodenavarra.es/
-SECCIÓN ESPECIAL SAN FERMÍN 2012 DIARIO DE NAVARRA: http://www.diariodenavarra.es/suplementos/san_fermin_2012/home_san_fermin_2012.html

Además os pongo la carta de un sitio llamado "Mamá nos da de comer". Es un local de la Rotxapea, bastante cerca de la cuesta de Santo Domingo en el que preparan comidas y almuerzos. Os puede interesar. Yo os lo dejo:

El teléfono es 948 074 163, por si no lo veis bien en el folleto. Os lo digo, buena comida e interesante, sobre todo el precio es asequible.

Dejo el programa de fiestas de este año, que como ya he dicho es muy variado:

Y eso es todo, chic@s. Espero que os sirva y, ¡a disfrutar de las fiestas!


domingo, 1 de julio de 2012

Informativos de mi blog XCIII

¡Chic@s! Semana floja otra vez pero espero publicar antes de este siete de julio la de San Fermín, ¡qué si no servirá de poco!
En fin, esta semana os he hablado sobre dos película distintas. La primera de John Carter que llevaba intentando escribir sobre ella millones de años :)
Pues eso, espero que os gustara. Un héroe que acaba en Marte ayudando a sus extraños habitantes a arreglarse entre ellos y enamorándose en el camino. Si queréis saber más leed la entrada y si todavía queréis más.. ¡A ver la película o a leer el libro!
Por último os he escrito hoy sobre la película "Tangled" de Disney Pixar.
¡Me he enamorado de ella! Es preciosa, la mejor película de princesas de Disney hasta la fecha. Tiene muchísimos toques de humor, me ha encantado. Os la recomiendo, tengáis la edad que tengáis.
Y eso, las dos escritas en inglés pues las he visto en esa lengua.
Poco más, haber si me pongo a ver el final de la Eurocopa 2012, ¡qué juega España! No se ve bien mi televisión, haber si consigo hacerla funcionar... ¡Se me acaba el tiempo!

En fin, ¡un beso grande!


"Tangled", an astonishing film!

Hey there! Two days ago I watched this INCREDIBLE new princesses Disney film named "Tangled". It's based on Rapunzel's story and although I'm kind of old for this films, I couldn't help to watch it! It was so beautiful I realize I did well, making my father to download it and kind of forcing a little my brother to watch it :)
I really expected it to be great and I found myself convinced. So I'm telling you about it!
Tangled is the new Disney Pixar's film on the story of Rapunzel, a pretty young lady who lives in a high tower, apart from the population, with her supposed mother.
Truly, she's a lost princess, stole from her parents by Gothel (her supposed mother) when she was born. This happened because Rapunzel's blond hair had the property of healing and giving youth to people because of a magical flower her mother ate to get healed from a bad illness when she was pregnant. Gothel used to use this flower to keep herself young by singing a song to it so that it would use its power.
And so Rapunzel is kept up there, alone, in the tower. One day she gets the dream of going to see the lamps that the kings release on her birthday to get her home. She meets Flynn Rider, a burglar who has stolen her tiara although she doesn't know it's hers.
They agree on Rapunzel returning him the tiara if he gets her to town to see the lamps in her eighteenth birthday.
In the trip they'll find themselves followed by the authorities and Rapunzel's mother.
What will happen? Will they get to the lamps? Will Rapunzel discover her identity? Will Flynn get arrested?
Discover it by watching the film!
It's astonishing, the prettiest one of princesses I've ever seen concerning graphics. Hope you enjoy it and let me assure you you'll laugh, with Rapunzel's silly fears and Flynn's good jokes :)

I leave you the trailer and poster, hope you enjoy it!
