Guys! At last! I bring you the post in English the one I wrote in Spanish the fifth of July, one day before San Fermín, for the worldwide wanted festivity among teenagers and young people to start.
Pamplona is prepared: the fences are placed, the shop glasses covered with timbers, public toilets, bars...
6th of July: "CHUPINAZO". These days I had escaped the city the one turns out to be... I'm better not saying it but really, we, Pamplona's inhabitants, tend to travel these days. It's not quite pleasant to see how your streets get fed up with crushed bottles, alcohol and more things... :T There are also good things but this festivity has changed a lot, they are known by the chaos and because people come here to do whatever they want to.
Although, if you come here to enjoy your free time without bothering us... Here you count with some guidelines! There are 431 acts prepared but I'm telling you the most emblematic ones. We begin.
*The fifth of July you could enjoy disc jockey Carlos Jean's free concert to start creating party since the first moment. :)
*On the 6th of July Iñaki Cabasés threw the "Chupinazo" at twelve o'clock in midday, beginning the festivity and making the red neckerchiefs rise in all their splendour.
*The 7th the first run of the bulls through the streets took place. There are still two ones left and for you to know, the route is closed before 7:30 in the morning and after it you can't enter, although you can get out if you realize you don't want to run it. It starts at 8 in the morning for about three minutes in the ones the bulls go running from Santo Domingo's slope to the Bulls Ring.
ROUTE: Santo Domingo, Plaza Consistorial,
Mercaderes, Estafeta and Plaza de Toros.
NUMBER OF BULLS+added: 6 bulls, 8 leading oxes preceding the fierce and 3 docile closing the group.
If you're going to run I have to pass the advice that it's dangerous if you don't know how to do it and if you don't realize your opportunities and resistance during the race. I also advice you to enter the route before 7:30 and if you're drunk THEY WON'T LET YOU RUN. From 7:30 onwards you can't enter but you can get out.
*The Bull Fighting is also interesting to watch. You've gotta buy tickets for it as for watching how the bulls get to the Bulls Ring in the morning.
I link you the page for it and if not you can always buy them at the Bulls Ring, although I can't assure you they won't be sold by the time you get there.
For the arriving of the bulls...:
And for the Bulls Fighting...:
*The giants are and emblematic act in Sanfermines, especially if you count with kids to live with the festivity. They get out each day at nine o'clock in the morning from the Great Hall's Square.
*Also, if you're young, the concerts will interest you as the one from Carlos Jean I named before. For example, MACACO went to the "Fueros Square" on the sixth of July and there are more coming, there and to the "Castillo Square". Hope you enjoy them. I would have liked to go to MACACO but I was on vacation... :(
*The fireworks each day on the Ciudadela at 11:00 in the evening, you can't miss them!
*OBVIUSLY, "El Pobre de Mí" ("Poor of Me"). It will take place the 14th of July at 12 in the evening in the Great Hall Square, followed by the final "traca" ("firecracker").*
There are many more events but this ones are the most... "wanted ones". As you come to have a walk through the city, although you won't be able to appreciate it with this being... :T Well, I link you the festivity program as there are loads of events, every day is full!
I also leave you this year's poster on San Fermín by David Alegría: "I WANT YOU FOR SAN FERMÍN 2012". Quite funny, no? :) If you don't understand it watch it closely and start to think a little, you will laugh. :)
A very original and pretty initiative is being selling for one euro bracelets in markets and shops, the ones designate the money for preventing sudden death and fighting it with special machines. Want to take part in it? Buy one in whatever place you go shopping, it always helps.
They're even pretty, they're designed by KUKUXUMUSU.
I also write down the links to my last year posts on San Fermín, in the ones you'll find interesting details on its history, fences, some events... I hope they serve you right. I only put the ones which are in English, but you can find each of them in Spanish if you want to.
Merely that. You can also look up for older posts to read in the "Blogs Archive", I hope you find them interesting once more.
I think that's all... Ah! I link you San Fermín's official webpage, its official section in "Diario de Navarra" (a newspaper) and the link to the newspaper, that has information on the events:
I also leave you the menu of a place named "Mamá nos da de comer" ("Mum feeds us"). It's a local in the Rotxapea near Santo Domingo's slope, in the one they prepare meals and snacks. It may interest you. I leave it here:
The land line number is 948 074 163, in case you can't read it right on the photo. I assure you it's good food and interesting, as the prices are cheap.
I also leave this years festivity program, that as I said, is very varied.
And that's all, guys. I hope it serves you right and... ENJOY THE FESTIVITY!
Mi querida Miriam: Voy a intentar eescribir lo que siento, gracias por decir que tienes abuela , ya me entero más cosas de ti, y que te gustó lo que te mandó. Claro que hay cosas que no tienen más interes que el se le quiera dar. Por ejemplo; si yo digo eres más bonita que todo, puede tener muchos aspectos, pues para mi la belleza puede ser de una manera y la misma cosa ,para otra persona tener otra forma de entender la belleza. Otro ejemplo : A mi me puede gustar :::::el pintor GOYA,que para mi es un genio, y a otra persona decir....donde este SOROLLA.... (todo es ejemplo) y ahi es donde llega el gusto de cada uno y la educación que tenga, porque los dos pintores son maravillosos,pero uno gustarte más que otro. !Que me lio¡ lo mismo pasa co la música...a unos les gusta la clasica .a otros la ligera a otros otra cosa, y ¿quien tiene razón ? mi respuesta ,que no quiere decir que por razón tenga que ser así, si acaso será por gusto y por educación ¿o no ? esto si quiero que me lo contestes, pero con la verdad..... ¿que opinas? si,si, contestame tu punto de vista , porque a la mañana me han dicho que estoy muy afectada con las cosas, (aunque esa no es la palabra,pero ahora no me sale) porfa.....y no es que quiera tener razón ,pero si puedo caer en la cuenta que hay muchas maneras de ver las cosas....A mi siempre me han educado en la música de calidad, entonces ¿cómo me van a gustar las mediocridades.......... y eso es todo, antes de decir a una chica "bonita" primero la miro y la observo y despues digo....tiene todo lo que tiene que tener para ser "guapa o guapo" y lo digo y no creo que tenga nada de particular.... lo mismo que cuando digo a mi amiga ....sábia ,es porque creo que es y me lo demuestra.
ResponderEliminarCreo que te estoy dando una turrada ,pero por favor contestame que necesito salir de esta duda tan dudosa que tengo...... y ahora otra verdad como la mayor catedral del mundo. TE QUIERO. paz.
¡Paz! Siento haber tardado en contestar otra vez, semana sabática. En fin, mira. YO creo que lo de la belleza si que es subjetivo y en todos los aspectos. A mi tal vez me parezca "bella" la manera de ser de una persona pero no la de otra la cual le parece hermosa a una amiga mía, por ejemplo. Todo depende de lo que busquemos en la vida, de nuestros ideales y nuestros intereses. En mi opinión todos tenemos razón, pero nadie la tiene a la vez. Es complicado de explicar pero, en verdad, ¿quién es para juzgar que a mi me gusten los chicos graciosos o serios? ¿Y quién soy yo para juzgar que a otra persona le guste la chica más extraña del mundo? Pues nadie, porque a cada uno nos gusta algo diferente. Así que todos tenemos razón en encontrar cosas bellas en lo que nos gusta y a la vez no la tenemos al afirmar que eso o él/ella es bello, pues es un punto de vista objetivo y tal vez a mi lo que a ti te parece bello me parezca una pata de banco ;) o al revés.
ResponderEliminarEs complicado pero por ello tenemos aprender a vivir con el ser todos distintos y saber que hay alguien para cada uno de nosotros en este mundo, alguien que aunque para los demás no sea especial para nosotros sí.
Esa es mi reflexión pero tu tranquila que no me das la turrada. :) Y a lo tuyo, que si te gustan unas cosas no tienen por qué gustarte otras, simplemente valora lo que les guste a los demás como si fuera lo que más te gusta a ti.
Yo también te quiero, Paz. ¡Un beso grande!
:) Vale, un beso.