Eventhough, we still do

You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way...

People look at reality, then you can change it.

- James Baldwin

miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

English books: "The Lonely Hearts Club"

... and a happy New Year!

:) Hope you guys are having an amazing time!
Here's a hint on the book we're gonna be talking about: "Kiss me underneath the mistletoe..."
 "The Lonely Hearts Club", by Elizabeth Eulberg, is said to have healed way too many broken hearts already ;)
A friend of mine gifted it to me, she told me it was her favourite book.
To tell you the truth, I'm not really into "romantic" paperbacks. I didn't really get her enthusiasm during the first chapters. But then I got to the second half of the book and I really was enthralled by dearest Ryan. (0.o That's a guy, guys)
Penny Lane, daughter of Beatles' fanatics and also kinda a fanatic herself.
She has had her heart broken throughout summer. So she goes to school and creates this "Lonely Hearts Club" with her friends: "We won't date ANY guys during what's left of our high school experience!"
That, of course, will be practically impossible. But anyway, I'm not saying anymore because I'll be revealing what's left of the plot ;)
It's quite a simple book, but like life itself. Lots of drama, easy remedies.

Title: The Lonely Hearts Club
Printer: Point Author: Elizabeth Eulberg
Cover design: Elizabeth B, Parisi, Michael Frost and Becky Terhune
Collection design: Point
Parts of the book: 1 (but the next book comes out next month)
Pages of the book: 285



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