English books, again! :)
Two days ago I finished this amazing -but really, really long- book by Ken Follet: "Fall of Giants". I've read some others in between, it was really... Intense.
Beautifully written, I was constantly asking myself how on Earth he could have managed to document himself on the matter so greatly and write about it perfectly.
The First World War is a topic which not many people know about, as it has being tried to be forgotten for almost a century.
Ken Follet's "Fall of Giants" depicts the reality of the war for five different families from all around the world, combining their different interactions in the trenches, front, parliament, working areas... They all come from completely different backgrounds: English aristocracy, Russian royal family, Welsh and Russian working class and wealthy American commerce-owners.
I totally recommend the book. It might take you a while to read it but it's worth it.
Here goes the book's data...:
Title: Fall of Giants Printer: Pan Macmillan
Author: Ken Follet Cover design: Pan Macmillan
Collection design: Pan Macmillan
Parts of the book: 3 (but there are two more books)
Pages of the book: 941
That's it, sweeties ;)
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