I finished this fifth book on the Mortal Instruments saga almost a month ago, I don't know why I didn't write about it before... And I still have to finish "David Copperfield" and "The Lord of the Flies"... Upps `:)...
Anyway, lets hear about "City of Lost Souls".
It's a pretty nice book, I enjoyed myself a lot.
After defeating demon Lilith, Jace was nowhere to be found. Five minutes before he was there and, suddenly, puff!
Clary is exhausted, the same as Isabelle and Alec, because the Clave is centred in finding Sebastian and not Jace, though his friends are pretty sure they should look for them both in the same place.
Clary manages to get to Jace thanks to some curious situations. But he is not Jace any longer. He is a servant of evil, bound for all eternity to Sebastian.
Eventhough, Clary still thinks she can be saved but to accomplish such a thing she has to defy the Clave by not telling them that she has found Jace's location.
In the meantime, Simon and the others are also struggling through some difficulties to help her and, in addition, Jace.
Apart from the main plot, you get really interested in Simon's love life. Also Alec's.
Title: THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS BOOK 5, City of Lost Souls
Author: Cassandra Clare
Cover design: WALKER BOOKS
Collection design: WALKER BOOKS
Parts of the book: 1 (but there are four books before this one and one after it!)
Pages of the book: 544
Oh, my... Love is in the air! And I still don't have a boyfriend... ;)
See you, guys. Hope you enjoy the book!
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