Eventhough, we still do

You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way...

People look at reality, then you can change it.

- James Baldwin

martes, 22 de julio de 2014

"Noah", a great film!

Some of us may have read the Bible, some of us may have not. But we all now the story of Noah.
You don't? Nah, I don't believe you. It can't be. You must -at least- have heard about it, about how God told Noah to build an ark to safe Earth's pure species from the apocalyptic flood that was to cleanse the world.
There you go, it has just popped into your mind! Hurray! :)
It may be blurry, still... No need to panic! Read carefully ;)
Darren Aronofsky's production, "Noah", depicts this beautiful story perfectly.
This classic story is infuriated to action by some magic elements which make it specially tasty for everyone, religious or not. There's also war, among tribes and families, and among the family members themselves.
"Shall I die alone?" asks himself Ham, one of Noah's son, when they are about to leave all humans to die in the newly created sea.
"Shall I be granted the privilege to live?" asks herself Ila, Shem's girlfriend (Shem is the oldest son of Noah) and Noah's adoptive daughter.
"Shall human race become extinct?" asks himself Noah, who struggles with this question all throughout the film.

Aronofsky has managed to balance the classic story with some new paint-strokes, resulting in an outstanding outcome, which makes it a nice treat for any free night. Nice film, great shoot, even greater actors and actresses. That's a ten for me!

I'm posting the trailer and poster, hope you guys like it!


"Poesía del Mes" Junio del 2014


Quién camina, vida mía,
sin saberse caminando.
Mucha gente, impaciente,
va y viene deambulando.

Recordando lo que fue
y viene siendo acontecido.
Paseando muy despacio
hacia atrás, hacia otro lado.

No es preciso o indiviso
intentar modificar
la realidad de un pasado
frente a aquella del juglar.

Casi, casi es merecido
firmar con claridad
el contrato de una vida
que no quiere terminar.

Resolviendo así la dicha
de una vida en un pajar,
el pájaro abrió las alas
no tuvo duda al volar.

Pajarillo que hoy los cumple,
setenta y ocho vuelos más,
sal del pajar de la granja,
vuelve a atreverte a volar.

Esta poesía se la regalé a Paz, nuestra fiel lectora, que cumple años en Junio... Te quiero.


Informativos de mi blog CXXXIX

Definitivamente, podéis matarme.
¡Casi dos meses sin escribir!
La última entrada fue una poesía de mi propia invención, espero que la disfrutarais. :)
A ver si le damos un poquito de vida al blog...
Nos vemos prontito(:
