According to this we summarize it and we'll see how it ends, agree?
Titanic was a great ship, which completed name was RMS Titanic (Royal Mail Steamship Titanic). It was White Star Line's company second project, preceded by the Olympic (a great sensation in those times) and followed by what was meant to be named Gigantic, but because of the consequences changed to be Britannic.
After lots of years of agreements and a long and laborious work on the ship, Titanic got finished and it was launched to the sea in April the 10th of that very 1912. Lots of passengers, the best ship of that times, luxurious personified... Definitely: PARADISE.
So was it that it began to be known as the "Dreams Ship".
It left from Shoutampton in Ireland for France, were it picked up lots of French passengers and then turned towards America. The place to the one it never arrived because of that captain and other people meddled in the matter accelerated the ship (for arriving a day earlier to New York and so gain lots of reconnaissances) while they were entering to icebergs zone, and so they couldn't avoid to crush with one.
Finally, at twelve past that fourteen of April of the same year the Titanic sank. More than one thousand people died and very few survived. Like this, one of the most tragic naval accidents in history took place.
And this year it's the centenarian on this event. We pay homage to those who died and to those who survived and we remember one of the most impressive events from the XX century.
If you like the topic I recommend Titanic's film in 3D in cinemas, they revive the one from Leonardo Di'Caprio and Kate Winslet and (although I haven't seen it yet at theaters) the critics tell it's really good.
A very big greeting and I leave you two photos on the ship! (One's as how it was before it sank and the other one how it looks nowadays. There are coordinates for you to find it in the Google Earth, finding out how it's like today).
Mi niña bonita: !que alegria me he llevado con tu comentario en tu blogs. !que feliz me haces¡ tengo muchas noticias para darte ,pero no se por donde empezar.... lo primero, me ha tocado la loteria y así te mandaré un cheque a tu casa, ¿volviste de Africa? me han dicho que ahi los hombres son muy majos,y que se visten con faldas, a mi me da igual cómo se vistan ,pero me gustan los hombres me gustan con un pantalón y si estamos en la playa con un bañador.....
ResponderEliminarTengo ganas de ir a la plya ,porque me ha mandado el médico que nade mucho por la pierna que me operaron, no de cómo lo haré porque cómo te dije la tengo de palo.... cómo me voy a ir con mi amigo ,le agarraré fuerte y si se ahoga ,que se ahogue el, ¿no te parece?. otro dia sigo. me viene una visita, seguro que a visitarme y voy a atenderle, te escribo otro rato. las fotos que han publicado tuyas en la revista han salido muy bien, es que además de guapa eres fotogenica.... adiooos. besos .paz.
¡Paz! Me alegro que comentes una vez más =D Muchas noticias, ¡verdaderamente! Me alegro de lo de la lotería, ¡y gracias por el cheque!
ResponderEliminarDe África ya volví, sí. Los hombres muy majos y algunos llevan unas faldas muy extrañas... ;) Fenomenal que tengas que ir a la playa, ¡a mí me encanta el mar! Tu tranquila, que si se ahoga el otro no pasa nada, ¡ja, ja! Y haber si la pata de palo no se te pone mal con el agua del mar, espero que no.
Lo de la revista... gracias. Muy fotogénica en verdad no soy pero como no sé de que me estás hablando y probablemente te lo hayas inventado seguro que salgo bien.
¡Un beso grande!