Another school year that goes away and another Sanfermines that arrive here, in Pamplona.
It's been days since this has started to prepare itself for the big party!
Foreigners, fences, new shops...
And in less than forty eight hours the world-wide-known festivity will have begun.
"¡Pamploneses! ¡Pamplonesas! ¡Viva San Fermín!"
"Gora San Fermín!"
Then... ¡PUM! "Bye rocket, hello party" ;)
At first I thought on doing something similar here in the blog from what I published this two last years but, afterwards, I decided to write a much more simpler post (as if I hadn't I would have done almost the same thing as the previous years). Oh! No need to worry, I'll leave the links so that you can read those again.
I feel like I need to comment on this year's poster. For once the author has used the real essence of whatever Pamplona is made of :D. This year's poster is a bull made up by the map of Pamplona's streets!! Cool, ha? ;)
Fermín 2013 ya tiene cartel. El número 5, 'Canan', obra de la
arquitecta pamplonesa Elixabete Bordonaba, ha sido seleccionada entre
los ocho carteles finalistas. La pieza vencedora representa el plano de
Pamplona en negro sobre rojo, con algunos trazos blancos, donde el río
Arga simula los cuernos del toro, y algunas de las calles, la cabeza del
Diario de Navarra
"San Fermín 2013 already has a poster. Number 5, "Canan", by the architect Elixabete Bordonaba from Pamplona, has been selected among the eight posters that made it to the final test. The winner poster represents Pamplona's plan in black over red, with some white traces, in which the Arga river simulates the bull's horns, and some of the streets, the head of the animal"
Diario de Navarra
It's original, isn't it?
And, to end up, I wanted to recommend you a very special establishment located in my street, Zapatería.
It's gonna be open throughout the whole nine days and it's not going to serve customers alcohol (there's already plenty of it everywhere), but teas and coffee. Its name is "Artea" and it opens at 7AM, so you can go there and have breakfast before the bulls run.
Polite manners and good-quality products, a very beautiful environment (don't tear it down!)... and the quality of Pamplona!
I post the Facebook page:
Well, guys, that's it! Some of us run away and others such as you come here. I only ask you for your collaboration not to make this festivity one without control.
I also post the official web page on San Fermín 2013. It's very nice, you can find interesting things and facts, from lodgings to videos from other Sanfermines:
And the link to the page in which is my post from last year, which encompasses the posts of previous years:
Here we finish!! Enjoy this year's San Fermín!
Best wishes,
P.D. I'm sorry it's been a month already, I've been feeling so very lazy these days... ;)